How to Read Food Labels Squidoo Lens
PR 1
Ranked #1088 in Food ...



We have just added two Squidoo tutorial videos courtesy of Jonathan Souza over at

The title of these videos are:
Squidoo Lens Tutorial | Setting it up the Right Way
and Best Squidoo Widgets to use on Your Lens.

Hope you enjoy and be sure to give Jonathan a visit.


We've recently encountered a question about adding Google Analytics to Squidoo and have been inspired to write this blog post.

First of all let me give a brief description of what Google Analytics is.
Google analytics is software that is installed using java script that generates detailed statistics about exactly who is visiting your website and exactly where it is they are coming from.

Ok, that brings me to my next point.  Adding Google Analytics to Squidoo is actually not necessary.  See, Squidoo has there own tracking that does exactly what Google Analytics does.  Some claim that Squidoo's tracking is actually generated by Google Analytics.  Don't quote me on that though.

The built in tracking on Squidoo is a great tool and is very detailed.  Not quite as detailed as Google Analytics but it more than gets the job done.  One great feature avaliable with the built in tracking is the option to add other keywords that led someone to your page.  If a keyword is not listed in your Lenses Tags already and someone used that exact keyword to find your lens, you have the option to add it.  Pretty cool.

Adding Google Analytics to Squidoo may still be possible but is definitely not necessary.  I couldn't find an HTML module to test it out, maybe someone can answer that by commenting here.

Tags: adding google analytics to squidoo, google analytics, squidoo


We have added Squidoo Stats and Google Ranking screen shots for the "Learn How To Reduce Foreign Accent Lens"

We're getting there!  Stay tuned for more to come.


When it comes down to comparing Squidoo and Hubpages, it's not really an "apples to apples" comparison.  Both are great tools for getting the word out about anything and also good sources for quality backlinks.

They do however have their differences.

Squidoo is the older of the two and naturally is Hubpages biggest competitor.

One major difference between Squidoo and Hubpages is flexibility.  Squidoo is a better option for those who are interested in building free pages for the sole purpose of promoting affiliate products.  Hubpages is a little more strict when it comes to hosting content that may seem "spammy."  This is not to say that you can't use Hubpages to promote affiliate products, but if you're just starting out  and your sales copy needs a little work, stick with Squidoo.

For more info on why this is so, be sure to check out
 "7 Things We did to beat Squidoo" by Jason Menayan.

Another important factor to cover when comparing Squidoo and Hubpages is the retail options available to you.  Ebay and Amazon are available on Squidoo and Hubpages with the major difference being the commission layout.

Squidoo splits all commissions with the "lensmaster" 50/50 and your affiliate tracking code is up and running 100% of the time.

Hubpages allows you to keep 100% of your commission for these products but your ads run on a 60/40 time share and you are required to add your affiliate codes and information to the hubpage versus just adding the module on a Squidoo Lens.  Also, the details of this 60/40 time share are not reported, to the best of my knowledge anyways.

If you are building one of these free pages strictly for Google Adsense and are having trouble deciding between Squidoo and Hubpages, I would probably pick Hubpages.  Squidoo probably has at least 4 times the content of Hubpages but Hubpages gets about 4 times as much traffic per article.

One other note to make is Squidoo seems to have an edge when it comes to flexibility and functionality.  The vast amount of modules available to use allow your lens to have a little more personality.

The choice is really yours.  Luckily you can have your cake and eat it too.  Have some fun with Squidoo and Hubpages and use them both to get the word out about you, your business, your cat, your....well, you get the picture.



We have added two additional Squidoo Lenses for sale.

One can be used as a product landing page and the other is optimized for the keyword "dealing with a breakup"  Check em out!